The Zit Stops Here

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It’s the night before the biggest event of your life and a pimple pops up on your face in a spot that could only be missed in a pitch-black room. Acne is frustrating at any time, but there are moments when you simply must get rid of the offending zit fast.

Come in to see me. Not only do I have the tools to safely remove any dirt or debris from clogged pores, but I have an arsenal of products and doodads that can help get rid of that zit FAST! So before you try and conquer your face with your fingers, contact me.
Spot Treatments
Clay, sulfur, and algae are my favorites as spot treatments. Experiment to see which your skin prefers. Wash your face and apply the treatment directly to the acne twice a day. More than twice a day may cause extreme drying, so it is best to stick with two times a day until the acne disappears.
Warm Compress
Quite frankly this is where I always start with an unwanted blemish. Sometimes a wash cloth soaked in hot (NOT SCALDING) water applied to the area for 5-10 min does the job. The wet heat will either bring that red bump to the surface for removal, or make it go away all together. It also makes the skin more receptive to products so it’s what I like to do first.
Professional Advice
Leaving acne untreated can result in emotional and physical scarring and often have a simple solution in proper skin care, better makeup, and regular facials.

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