There’s been a ton of buzz about a new berry called Sea Buckhorn. China has been keeping it a secret since they started studies on it in the 1930, but everyone is now jumping on the band wagon. Usually I am wary of any “NEW AMAZING” ingredient, but the studies on this one are compelling. So far the best results for healing and anti-aging are to take it internally or eat the whole berry, but post op and burn victims who have been treated topically with this berry have healed faster and with less scaring than with the usual treatments.
The magic of this little fruit is what it contains: Vit E, C, B. 36 kinds of flavanoids, folic acid, and 106 types of oils and organic acids which include quinic acid, malic acid, palmitic acid, and linoleic acid. And Carotenoids like beta carotene, lycopene, and zeaxanthine.
Keep your eyes peeled for this one. I know I am!