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Hello again! I know I haven’t posted for the past two weeks, but that’s because I just got back from a 2.5 week vacation that started with me at a Medical Aesthetic conference in San Fransisco and ended with me in Britain touring castles and studying advanced skin care. All of this will make for some excellent future blogging (additionally fueled by the $600 worth of skin books I couldn’t stop myself from purchasing in SF), but this weeks blog is about change and the need for it.

This isn’t the first time I have spoken of change. It very well might be this blog’s “theme” since I do deal with a lot of it. Change in the skin, change in the environment, change in products, and most of all change in lives. For a while now, I’ve known that it was time for a professional change in my life. I love my clients. I love my work. I love what I do. But I don’t love “working for the man”. I am an entrepreneur at heart and over the last month I have been taking a serious look at my life. The start of this blog and launch of this website were all steps in the direction I want to head – which is owning my own practice and freeing myself of the constraints that bind me from doing the best job I possibly can.

For some reason Britain is a country that speaks to me. When I look back at my life a trip there always leads to a revelation and life altering decision. This trip is no different. I have put in notice at Total Woman and reduced my hours drastically at the laser place. I plan to use this time to seriously look for a location for the first version of my Skin Fitness Studio, and begin writing my Skin Fitness book.

I know there is a mixture of joy and sadness with this news. Many of my clients are comfortable with how things are, but I think we all know that this is a change for the better. At my current locations I am not given the freedom to take my skills and my clients skin to the next level. With my own location I will be constrained by nothing but a need for results, and my clients desire to receive them.

I will be finishing out my December as usual. After that…well we will wait and see what the new year brings. 🙂

One thought on “Notice

  1. Cybil,

    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog. Currently, I am a graphic designer but my heart’s desire is to become an Esthetician like yourself. I greatly admire your dedication to learning about so many topics and for your generosity in sharing what you know.

    I know you will do very well in your own practice. Change can be a little scary, but sometimes staying in the same situation can be even scarier! Believe me, I know what you are going through because I am about to move to another city and begin a new life. Hopefully that new life will find me in cosmetology school and not behind a computer 8 hours a day!

    Blessings to you,

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